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Six Leadership Challenges & Solutions from Lean In

  • Female leadership ambition gap: If “leaning in” is about sitting at the table where decisions are being made, a prerequisite is the desire to sit at the leaders’ table. Solution: Answer the question “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” and go public with your response, build your confidence muscles, and claim your accomplishments.


  • Social conventions, peer pressure and familial expectations: Women are held back by social norms that discourage them from taking risks, “sitting at the table,” and going after their own goals with gusto. Solution: Change those limiting expectations through sharing powerful “lean in” stories.


  • Success and likeability: The more men succeed, the more they are liked. Women, by contrast, are liked less by both men and women the more they succeed. Solution: Understand this bias and challenge it.


  • Don’t leave before you leave: Women often scale back their career ambitions in anticipation of future family and caregiving constraints and of retirement. Solution: Know what your ambitions are and “lean in” to them so that you are in a better position and have more decision-making power when you leave the workforce or make other transitions.


  • Make your partner a real partner: When both partners work full-time, heterosexual women do a disproportionate amount of housework and caregiving compared to their partners. Solution: Recognize this imbalance and change the script so the burden and benefits are shared more equally in the home.


  • “Lean in” together: Women often act like crabs in a pail pulling one another down in various ways when women go after their ambitions. Solution: Recognize the dynamic, form alliances and bridge divides.

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